Conclusion: I'm not a fan of the CW's ARROW.
Mainly because it seems they are trying to capitalize on Dark Knight popularity to make Ollie more like Bruce Wayne/Batman than the Green Arrow most people have loved since the late 60s. The crazy liberal, environmentalist, socialist Green Arrow. With the Robin Hood costume. And the goatee.
This guy.
I learned recently that up until 1969, Green Arrow
was a light hearted version of Batman (maybe not as gritty as the CW's trying to make it) but then he got a "reboot" (that no one called a reboot) when Ollie lost his moeny and saw what life was like for the poor people of Star City. (Why do they call it Starling City in the TV show? That just sounds stupid.) The crazy liberal Ollie was genuinely complicated AND unique, not exactly an easy thing for a superhero to achieve. And I also just really love Ollie and I feel possessive of him, mainly because of how they totally wrecked right before the reboot (Yeah, JUSTICE LEAGUE: RISE AND FALL, I hate youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--
and apparenlty after the reboot as well. I have a friend that's going to let me borrow the GREEN ARROW issues he possesses but until then I have only what wikipedia has told me. Which is this:
In DC's 2011 launch of the New 52, Green Arrow was given his own ongoing series.[20]
Ollie Queen is Green Arrow and he balances his own breaking of laws
with his efforts to bring outlaws to justice across the globe.
Roy's memories in Red Hood and the Outlaws
bring to the surface that when Ollie cut their partnership ties, he
publicly took all of Roy's stocks in his company and left Roy to his own
devices leading Roy to an attempted assisted suicide by the hands of Killer Croc. Roy also comments how he steals from Ollie's company to get the arrows for his adventures.[21]
This is, obviously, unacceptable and a totally stupid and obnoxious way to handle the character. Yeah, Ollie always kind of sucked as a dad but he
tried, for goodness sake! But none of this really has anything to do with why I don't hate the Green Arrow
tv show so I should probably focus on that. Sorry, Reed. The New 52 just keeps breaking my heart.
A list would probably be easiest. So. Reasons I don't like ARROW:
- Ollie's really young. I get most people aren't going to tune in for a middle aged sassy wonderful man with an awesome goatee and all but, still, it's so weird seeing him so young. I mean, I'll buy it's an origin story kind of like Smallville but it's just so weird because for most of his career, Ollie hasn't been, like twenty. He's been more of a thirties kind of guy.
- They're trying too hard to make him exactly like Batman. He's all crazy and vegenence oriented. He's putting on the drunken playboy facade for all to see. Lameeeeeeee.
- Merlin is his best friend. I get that will make the betrayal more painful but it's so stupiddddddddddddd. (I wonder if Hal will ever be on this show... That would be AMAZING. I love Hal. And the Hal/Ollie bromance.)
Behold their beauty.
4. They've made his sister's nickname Speedy. Makes me miss Roy :( But because it's a girl I
insantly think of Mia. Oliver's sister's name is Thea in this show so that's a fail. But she is
getting addicted to drugs so it has me half convinced that they'll make her get AIDS, Mia style
5. I have no idea if Green Arrow is killing people or not. He grabbed that one thug and was all
"no one can know my secret" and... broke his neck? Magically erased his memory? I'm unsure.
I just know that if they make him kill people that is totally NOT OKAY.
6. It's too gritty and dark and he's all broody. Lame compared to how witty and funny the Ollie I
fell in love with used to be.
7. Why are they calling Dinah "Laurel"? That's her middle name. Though they did have Merlin
call her "Dinah Laurel Lance" at the very end. ALSO. A love triangle?! WHY?!?!?!
8. Why is Huntress in this show? She's a Batman girl. EDIT: I was reminded that Huntress was
in BIRDS OF PREY with Dinah so that actually makes a lot of sense. Also. Will Black
Canary ever make an appearance. It kind of looked like her in the previews for next week.
Unless that was supposed to be Huntress? But Huntress was never blond... EDIT: I recently
read that China White from GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE is supposed to be in this show, so
maybe that's the blond person?
Pictured: Not blond. Also, bad ass.
9. Last night's episode felt really rushed. They crammed A LOT in. This is supposed to stretch
to be a series, remember?
10. My main problem is that this show is trying to make Green Arrow into Batman because
Batman is gritty and cool and popular. I love Batman. We all know this. But Green Arrow
probably make the studio money, so what do they care, but I (and hopefully other comic fans
with me) will care very much!
Let's be real. I'm going to keep watching this show, if only to see where it goes. But it makes me miss the Ollie I used to know and love. BEFORE this show. BEFORE the New 52. BEFORE freakin' awful JUSTICE LEAGUE: RISE AND FALL.
I also miss this:
Best. Couple. Ever.
When they wreck my comics that's when I don't love comics that much.