Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is this an Arrow recap?

Currently watching Arrow. Convinced more than ever that mysterious blond woman is China White. Or just an evil white/blond assassin of doom. Not impressed by Oliver's attempt at doing a Batman voice. The Green Arrow I know and love doesn't try to sound gruff and intense. He comes off sounded like he's bad at acting. That thing at the beginning with the fan blades and the dude's face: Oh, hello, Bruce, I didn't see you there.
This is the best I could do.

I'll be back next commercial break.

Back again! "Applied Sciences Division." That sounds familiar. Where have I heard that?
Thanks Lucius.

I know it's probably, like, a term or whatever but I can't help pointing out the similarity. ALSO why does Oliver's mother act like he WASN'T JUST ON AN ISLAND ALONE FENDING FOR HIS LIFE FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS. His irresponsibility is less charming now? HE CLEARLY HAS PTSD, WOMAN! GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF! I like being on the island with Ollie way more than being in "Starling City." That part with his father and the seagulls in the boat seriously broke my heart. HELLLLOOOOOOOO CHINA WHITE.You're sinister. And your hair looks fake.

It has to be.

See you in a few!

Hello again. Scars = battle with Deathstroke.
Ta da! Does this mean Ollie won?

Stop getting mad at Oliver for not wanting to talk to you guys because he is seriously traumatized and it takes more than a WEEK to get over all the emotional scarring someone's been through. OMG THEA STOP COMPARING THIS STUFF AND SERIOUSLY YOU THINK IT MAKES HIM FEEL NOT HORRIBLE WHEN YOU TELL HIM YOU KIND OF STILL WISH HE WAS DEAD BECAUSE LIVING OLLIE SUCKS MAJOR MONKEY BALLS? It's okay Dinah, I couldn't say no to him either. Dinah, you're being really mean... I SHIP DINAH AND OLLIE SO HARD RIGHT NOW OMG I love you now Laurel. This scene has redeemed you in my eyes. BE TOGETHER FOREVER.

This show just got more enjoyable.

Dear Ollie, I think Diggle (You know Andy Diggle? He wrote GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE) is your Alfred.
He's not nearly as cute thought.

Also, shouldn't more people make the connection between Oliver's return after five years and the "hooded vigilante"s sudden appearance? P.S. GET AWAY FROM ME NEW 52 COMMERCIAL YOU WRECKED GREEN ARROW AND YOU WRECKED TIM DRAKE AND WE NEED TO TAKE A BREAK FROM EACH OTHER FOR A LITTLE WHILE OKAY?


Why are the captions in all caps? Also, I just can't get the hang of Green Arrow's intimidation tactics. They make me giggle a tiny bit. That fight with China White seemed kind of pointless and stupid. Are you just trying wet my appetite CW? OH SHUT DOWN LAUREL'S DAD GREEN ARROW SO TOTALLY WON YOU THAT CASE. The person they need to see you as? You mean Bruce Wayne 2.0? Wait, so Tommy doesn't want Laurel? He's loyal to Oliver? For now. NO OLIVER I HATE YOU FOR WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW. IT'S ALL A LIE IT'S NOT REAL AND STUPID AND IT'S MAKING ME WANT TO SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. Okay that part about Walter being his new dad made me giggle. Didn't we just do this whole "I'm not what you want/think/whatever" thing last week with Laurel? I kind of want to cry, like, a lot right now. I hate you Arrow for making me care.

"He's going to jail Emily for the rest of his life because Green Arrow got us a confession. I'm not totally sure what I did here." Wouldn't Laurel still need some protection because wouldn't China White and Co. go after her? Green Arrow's an anarchist... That's not really but kind of the closet we've gotten to the real Ollie I know and love. Still, I can't make myself hate this show. Curse you, CW, curse you. OH LOOK, more treacherous momma Queen crap. The yacht was sabotaged?!! What's that weird symbol mean. WHY IS HIS MOM EVIL?! Oh, Ollie, you're breaking my heart right now with the grave and the speech and the waaahhhhhhhhh. Wait, did Green Arrow just shoot Green Arrow? PLOT TWISTS OR SOME OTHER CONFUSING STUFF.

OOOOOOHHHHHHH DEADSHOT IS IN NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE. That makes it kind of exciting, right? Whatever. I'll keep watching this show and I'll probably hate myself a little more ewith every new instance I like. Meh. I still miss the real Oliver Queen.
Hello beautiful.

Edit: I just read a recap of last night's episode and the recapper kept referring to not-Ollie as "Arrow." Does that mean CW's dropping the "Green"? Unsure how I feel about this... 

Edit Edit: I've been watching (why?) and they call him "The Hood" like Robin Hood or the hood he wears or how about that is so stupid OMG why?

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