Monday, October 15, 2012

Green Arrow...

Dear DC Comics,
It will take me a very, very long time to forgive you what you've done to Oliver Queen.
What is your facial hair doing?

I was trying to figure out how to say how much I hate, like, almost everything in this awful reboot but then I found this blogger that did it for me.

Go here and read this and you'll know how I feel about what the New 52 has done to one of my very favorite superheroes. My hat off to you C.J. Bunce. You speak for us all. Also, thanks for reminding about the wonderful Hal/Ollie dynamic. Makes me want to go reread IDENTITY CRISIS.
Good comics make Kent happy.

Maybe I will. I need some good comics to purge the awful from my brain.

Seriously, Reed. What have they done to us?

Time for some good Green Arrow spam:

 I remember when you in love and it was wonderful and I loved it.

 Bromance is the best thing ever. I love(d) yours.

 He has a hood! Like Robin Hood, who INSPIRED him. Also. This animated short rocks.

 Rah rah rah CANARY CRY!

 You were in love once. I remember. It happened.
 AND you used to be in comic titles TOGETHER.

 GREEN Arrow. GREEN Lantern. Match made in Crayola heaven.

 I remember when you had socially relevant comics there were totes the first to deal with drugs. I don't think DC does.

 BOXING GLOVE ARROW = AWESOME. You have no right to mock it super lame New 52 GA.
Hey, Ollie, I remember when you were witty and funny and worth reading!
Look! Social relevance!

 Green Arrow on JLU was the best. And the show totally shipped him with Black Canary. CAUSE IT'S CANON. Or was canon. Once upon a time when life was worth living.

 Ollie, I love your hood and your baller goatee. Never change. (Too late.)
 Quiver Ollie totally rocked that adorable little hat.

 Aw, GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE. How real origin stories are supposed to be.

Our last look at Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, the badass. He is no more. He will be mourned.

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