Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This Counts Right?

Somehow, some way, I spent close to five hours yesterday looking at videos of the actors from Dragon Ball Z. You can judge all you want, Reed, but I seriously forgot how huge a part of my childhood this show was. Seriously. And then I started learning about this beautiful creation:
It's Dragon Ball Z without all the stupid filler (which was fun sometimes) that made the planet Namek cycle the longest thing of my entire life. Seriously. I watched the trailer for PART 1, which is episodes 1-13, and I seriously cried. So then I bought said PART 1 on Amazon for tenish dollars... for the Blu-Ray! Deals ahoy!

I'm beyond pumped, Reed. I'm going to get the mangas next time I'm home and read them all again. Woo! Does this count? I mean, the manga are technically comics so they can be posted on this blog right? Wait, this is my blog isn't it? So I can post whatever I want. Yay freedom!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Dragon Soul on repeat for a few million years. Ah, my nerd is showing and I refuse to be ashamed!

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