Monday, August 20, 2012

An Introduction of Sorts

I’ve tried countless times to talk to my non-comic fan friends and family about why I just adore comic books and no one really gets it. Sadly, I don’t know many people that read comic books on anything more than a casual level. Thus, there exists no one close to me willing to discourse on the potential that BATMAN: NIGHT OF THE OWLS may be on par with Miller (we’re talking YEAR ONE, not THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. I have yet to find anything really touches on THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS) or the fact that in the hands of Grant Morrison, Superman is anything but stale. So I’m going to talk to YOU about it, reader, whoever you may be. You might be no one, really, and I might write three posts and then quit because no one sees these posts. But then, at the same time, does it matter if anyone sees it? I’ll just imagine you there, reader, the perfect audience, willing to listen as I ramble on and on about how much these stories mean to me and how much these characters mean to me. We may even touch on how when I read comic books I experience a kind of joy that C.S. Lewis talked about, the kind of joy that is a mere echo of the joy I find in my relationship with Christ. Comic books are so much. And this is why I love them.

I think for this exercise, reader, you should have a name. I’ve come up with a very simple, classic one: Reed. From now on, you shall be Reed and we shall have such awesome conversations. You can call me Kent Wayne (see what I did there?); my true gender will remain a mystery to you (for about .2 seconds until I start fangirling and such… oh, wait, there it goes) and we will become the best of friends. I assert things now, Reed, to remind myself later when I wonder why I started this weird blog no one will ever read… Except you. And that’s why I love you. You and comic books.

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